How Taboocha helped me survive my pregnancy - by Pat.
Don’t get me wrong, I had no complaints about my pregnancy. It was relatively smooth and I was agile and jumping around most of the time. But the fact that a living being was growing inside of me posed two MAJOR challenges:
1. No alcohol intake (for someone like me this was really tough) and
2. Constipation 💩😩
As a result, from the day I realized I was pregnant, I started drinking a lot MORE Taboocha to satisfy my alcohol cravings and more importantly, to stimulate my bowel movement.
I know quite a few mommy-to-be friends who are unsure about consuming caffeine and live probiotics, but my doctor reassured me that as long as the amount of caffeine was limited and that the kombucha I was drinking was not contaminated with bad bacteria, I was fine.
Also, the <0.5% of alcohol content in Taboocha arises naturally from the fermentation process - like many other fermented foods and drinks, these traces are minimal. It was my guilt-free beer substitute 😏
In fact, I was better than fine! My daily Taboocha kept me energized, constipation-free and happy.Fast forwarding to >1 year later, I also have a child who has very healthy bowel movement (those who have experienced stinky diapers, you hear me).
She’s probably a little young to be chugging Taboocha at the moment, but her reaction to the tiny sips we give her tells me she’s gonna LOVE Taboocha when she grows older.
I’m hoping that IF she has an addiction, it will be to booch.
(Chinese version below 中文版本見下)
- 🐫頭三個月,便秘(講真,我從來冇呢個問題)
- 💦冇得飲酒,好唔開心(可能都有唔少,不過唔一定會好似我咁唔怕羞講出黎)
大杯茶竟然變咗我懷孕期嘅救星… 唔單止通翻腸道,仲變咗我嘅酒精代替品。因為發酵咗嘅茶有汽,有清爽嘅口感,有獨特的酸甜口味。
身邊有啲身為準媽媽嘅朋友,唔肯定飲唔飲得發酵茶,怕有酒精同咖啡因。 我成日都提醒朋友,懷孕期間飲唔飲發酵茶,完全係個人選擇。由發酵過程天然衍生嘅酒精成分,少於0.5%。
生咗隻小恐龍一年,佢嘅腸道都超級健康(換過💩片嘅父母,應該好明白呢種複雜情緒,又想佢屙到,又好恐懼個浸惡臭味)。 雖然佢依家仲未可以大啖大啖咁飲發酵茶,不過從佢試飲一啖嘅眼神,我肯定佢將來會幾鍾意飲 kombucha 😙